Creator Update - 07.18.2022

CREATOR UPDATE! Thank you to all comments on early concept sketches I posted last week on Instagram. It was such fun reading everyone’s thoughts. In the end it led to inspiration that I’m surprised I never thought of until I posted those two options. I decided to go with Illustration B for my Kickstarter thumbnail, but I loved option A so I decided to pursue that as a book cover. I had some previous ideas for a book cover, but this is a way better idea, and as I started sketching out the full book cover, it had so many opportunities to hide some fun details, so I can’t wait to get working on it. Thank you all, your voices inspire me!

I took some time these last couple of weeks to really assess this project. The previous week I was really struggling because I began calculating all that needs to be done to be ready, and it was just overwhelming. But after thinking through it a lot, I came to the decision to push back my Kickstarter launch to later in the year, possibly November. It will give me the time keep a balanced life approach but giving this book the greatest amount of creativity I have to offer. After all, I only get a few hours here and there during evenings and weekends to make it happen. Though it doesn’t feel true, the tortoise is the one who finishes the race.

I hate delaying things like this, but I believe it is the right choice. The good news is that some of the stress came from getting involved in a local Comic Convention in September, which I’m excited about. It will give me more exposure, but it will require some time to prepare for it.

Thanks again for your patience! And I so so so appreciate all your support. This will be a story worth waiting for!


Creator Update - 07.27.2022


Creator Update - 07.11.2022