The Pledge…

 Well, another week has cruised on by! But I’m doing my best to keep a weekly log of progress, thoughts, and ideas. 

 This past week was quite exciting because I began posting a lot of quick concept sketches for some of the creatures in my world.  I did that because I needed to dedicate a chunk of time to another project, but I still wanted to be involved in Instagram, and keep others in the loop.  But what I really enjoyed was hearing all the feedback from different comments.  I just thought, wow, this is great! I had so many great points brought up, and some very biologically specific, which is exactly what I’m hoping for. I’m creating a fantasy world, but I want the biology to make sense. It was a really great experience realizing how I can get feedback directly from those that are also interested in this fantasy world, as well as share my progress.  

The other task that has been weighing on my mind is figuring out some specific visuals for my “Dragon Story Series” trailer.  I’m releasing two trailers.  One specific for the upcoming book, “Journey Into the Valley of Myrr” (Volume 1). But the other trailer I wanted to represent the series as a whole, since I plan on releasing multiple volumes.  But here is the trick, if I can pull this off, it will be the coolest trailer / flex in the literary world. My goal is to represent every volume I plan to write in one trailer.  Can it be done, I don’t know.  Will the story change, and evolve and make the trailer look foolish, possible? But if this whole project is executed like I imagine it in my mind, people will look back and realize, it is the greatest book trailer ever released. But that’s all I’m allowing myself to say now! From here on out, people will have to discover what is exactly in that trailer and what it may all mean.  Nor does it really illustrate the number of volumes I plan to release, so still plenty to discover.  

So, when I say I had some breakthroughs this past week knowing what visuals I want, it’s a big deal to me! Though nobody sees it, or may fully understand it, it was a very exciting moment for me to have some of these concepts mapped out in my mind. Story is so important to me, and it all must make sense, I’m not going to write stories just to write stories, it must make sense to the journey of each character. And as I’ve been mapping out my master plan, it is soo exciting to see how these characters will grow and learn and evolved through the course of the story.  It’s so exciting to see how the intensity will level up with each volume, and as my characters evolve, so will the conflict and opposition. I can see now, I see the path to the future, and that is exciting. 

So as the project moves along, most of my focus will all be on volume 1, but if you are reading this, you may want to keep an eye on the Series trailer.  There are some fun clues in it for future stories.

 But that’s all for this week. Still so much work to do, but I can’t say thank you enough to all who have supported this story and project.  It will be a ride worth taking!


Upcoming Short Stories


Time spent for other people?