“There weren’t always dragons in the Valley,” Brynhilda spoke up amidst the chatter of the youth gathered around her fire.

The old woman’s sudden interjection into their conversation surprised the youth. It wasn't odd for Brynhilda to be with them. The youth loved being at her house, and she made the best honey crunch buns you’ve ever tasted. She enjoys listening to the youth talk about the events in their life and the latest drama from their schooling. Tonight, she had something to say.

“But Grandma, that’s not what they told us in history class. During the Great Expansion, a small colony of dragons and humans left Hallador, settling here for the fertile land.” Leila was one of Brynhilda’s granddaughters.

“Well, my sweet intelligent Leila, schools have most of it right, but they don’t have the full story,” Brynhilda said. “Few know the genuine history of Eknor. It was a human settlement long before the dragons and humans from Hallador settled here.”

“Why was it only a human settlement? Did they dislike the dragons? How did they even build their town without the help of dragons?” Lili asked. Lili was Leila’s twin sister and another granddaughter of Brynhilda.

“Ahh, yes, I supposed that sounds kind of odd, but Eknor’s founding is not as simple as history would like us to believe.” Brynhilda answered.

“Wait, wait, wait, are you telling me that Eknor has some sort of dark sordid past? Please tell me that is true! That would be the most exciting thing I’ve learned all school year.” It was a natural reaction from Leila’s best friend, Ella. She would love nothing more than to discover Eknor was more than it seemed. She welcomed any potential adventure.

Leaning back in her wicker woven chair, Brynhilda smiled as she reflected on the past. “Ahhh, the story of Eknor. Its founding… well… is a love story.”

“Oh, puke, you can’t be serious,” Ella reacted while the others laughed at her.

Enok spoke up, “Jabber mouth, can you just be patient enough for one second and let Leila’s grandmother tell her story?” Enok was Ella’s neighbor and close friend of the girls. He always felt like it was his job to calm down Ella in any social situation. Enok turned back to Brynhilda. “You were saying Eknor’s founding was a love story, right?”

Brynhilda smiled and chuckled. “Well, not a love story you would think it is. It started that way, but it developed into a more meaningful love.” Ella rolled her eyes. Brynhilda looked at Ella with a smile, “… of course, any good love story needs conflict. This time, it was the legend of the Demon Dragon.”

“Okay, I’m back in! Demon Dragon sounds fascinating,” Ella said. “Everyone shut your mouths. Brynhilda has the floor. I want to hear about the Demon Dragon!”

“You’re the only one talking, Ella!” Torben couldn’t resist pointing out.

“Shut your face,” Ella said with a smile.


“Seriously, shut your face. I’m trying to listen!” Ella gave Torben a quick elbow jab. Torben was Enok’s best friend and the humorous part of their friend group. He wasn’t as bold as Ella, but he was quickwitted, and loved pointing out Ella’s flaws.

The group chuckled a bit and turned their attention to Brynhilda.

“Wait, was it a demon that looked like a dragon, or a dragon that looked like a demon?” Ella asked. Everyone groaned, hoping to get to the story. “Okay, okay, I’m listening!” Ella said.

Brynhilda smiled at the bold personality, then began her story. “Like I said, Eknor’s founding began as a love story. There was once a noble warrior. Loyal, honest, brave, courageous. He served under a great queen, also a talented warrior that did not hesitate to lead her people; fighting alongside them through the worst of it. Both were talented and very skilled. They spent a lifetime fighting for freedom and truth. They became close trusted friends and were eventually victorious, bringing peace to their people and their land.”

“But their success was not without tragedy. He had lost his family in an ambush attack on his home village, and she was a queen who had lost her king in a previous battle. These emotional scars remained long after the founding of Hallador. It was unfortunate these scars came from evil dragons who lost sight of their humanity. Hallador was a kingdom of peace and togetherness, dragons and humans working together. They didn’t want those emotional scars to surface and affect those that were working so hard to establish the peace that was growing within Hallador.”

“Together, the elite warrior and noble queen left Hallador, traveling far, far away to start a life together. A life of solitude and healing. Traveling northward into the forgotten territory, they found a cozy valley, a place void of any population. They settled there in a remote location, nestled within the great northern mountains.”

Brynhilda smiled, thinking about that moment. “Image the peace of starting a new life, becoming one with nature!” She sighed, feeling the relief alongside her story. “They found a place of peace where their wounds could heal.”

“Naturally,” she smiled with a slight chuckle, “they started a family. Soon, other close friends from Hallador joined them in their remote location. They were also looking for the healing of nature. Those families grew, and then those children had families and the settlement grew and grew, calling their location Eknor.”

“They grew plentiful crops, had many festivities and dancing, and as a community, they stayed active. Now, it was a time of peace, but the queen and her husband continued to teach their families and residents the skills of combat. It was who they were. The life of a warrior ran through their veins. By teaching their children, from a young age, they knew they could teach them the sacred responsibility that came with learning and perfecting combat skills. They would only use this knowledge and ability for peace and for self-defense should a greater evil ever try to disrupt what they had established. They trained and taught honor, respect, empathy alongside sword play, shield defense, and bow techniques. Their little village became a village of warriors.”

“Okay, that sounds like the most amazing village ever!” Ella stated. She herself hoped to be a great warrior someday.

“Oh, it was,” Brynhilda said. “It was a unique settlement only populated by humans, unlike other colonies of dragons and humans. Even without the strength and industry of dragons, they built a simple life. They were thriving in a peaceful nook nestled in the mountains of nowhere. They had no contact with civilization. But change cannot be avoided.”

“During the Great Expansion, explorers ventured out from Hallador in all directions. Inevitably, civilization discovered the fertile soil of the valley and the many places to settle with access to fresh water and other natural resources. Eventually, a small colony of dragons and humans began settling the different locations throughout the larger valley. Mostly farmers, some hunters and trappers and several builders, business people and dragons looking for new opportunities in an ever-expanding kingdom. Its picturesque landscape became an immediate draw to the larger world.”

“The settlement of Eknor decided it would be best to remain to themselves, nestled away deep in their own canyon nook, but they would have open lines of communication and welcome trade with the other colonies and settlements. The settlers of Eknor knew this growth and change would happen. Though it was a human only settlement, they made plans to welcome any dragons that might want to join them in their remote location. As more and more settlers arrived, most of them stayed with the lower colony.”

            “Then, according to one account, the most unexpected event took place, creating a chain reaction of events that would forever change this settlement. While exploring for resources in the northern mountains, a young dragon found treasure. He claimed the valley over the mountain ridge was filled with caves where he found the gold and jewels.”

“Was it the Valley of Myyr?” Lili asked.

“It wasn't called that then, but it was the same area,” Brynhilda replied.

“Ahh, this is when the stories and rumors about the cursed valley started,” Leila added.

“Hey, shhh, we are trying to get to the demon dragon!” Ella said.

Brynhilda continued her story, “Well, stories spread throughout the town as residents of the lower settlement formed alliances to travel into the mountains and find their own treasure, with dreams of fame and fortune.”

            “The ‘idea’ of treasure soon became more corrupting than the treasure itself. Many residents got lost venturing into the difficult terrain of the Valley. Expeditions faced terrible accidents and tragedies. Quarrels formed between the residents, many between humans and dragons, because the dragons had the advantage of flight. Dragons easily claimed their treasure while humans took days venturing into the Valley.”

“Eknor was aware of the stories of treasure, but they didn’t value treasure. They founded their village on peace and healing, which is all they wanted. It became a concern for the Eknorians, wondering if the quarreling and corruption would ever subside. The fervor of the treasure seemed to grow with every passing moon cycle. But the Valley did not like their presence.”

“Just as the stories of fame and fortune spread, so did stories of horrific attacks from wild beasts and creatures. The valley became infested with trolls and large Winged Sawtails, making flight around the mountains impossible.”

“There was a time without Sawtails?” Enok asked.

“According to the record,” Brynhilda said. 

“How nice would that be!” Enok’s family were in constant battle with the Winged Sawtails in the area, trying to keep their livestock safe.

“Hold up,” Ella said. “Isn’t that convenient? As soon as people find treasure, the valley gets infested by giant Sawtails?” Ella asked. “It’s your story and all, but don’t you think it’s, well, too coincidental?”

“Haha, yes, and thank you for noticing Ella, but this isn’t my story,” Brynhilda said, throwing her hands up. “You can ask my ancestors. They made the record. In fact, the settlers in Eknor reacted much like you. It surprised them to witness this sudden burst of misfortune from nature’s fury. They lived for years with no similar incidents. It surprised them that even when people and dragons stopped venturing into the valley, the attacks continued moving from the mountains into their colony. There were stories of the Winged Sawtails swooping down, and plucking humans, dragons, and livestock alike right from the fields within their little settlement.” Brynhilda said, creating a large sweeping motion of her hand, plucking something up off the ground.

“The settlers of Eknor were grateful their little village wasn’t facing the same offenses, but they did not stand idly by. They visited the lower settlement frequently to help consult and build up the settlement’s defenses. Oh, they were tense times for sure, but together, they made a difference. The desperate adventures for treasure ended, people focused on building up their settlement. Life seemed to return to normal. Until a string of strange disappearances plagued the community.”

“Please tell me…”

“Yes Ella, it was the Demon Dragon!”

“Yes! Now we are getting to the good part!” Ella was excited.

“Unless you are the villagers, then it’s the bad part,” Torben slipped in for a quick laugh from the group.

Brynhilda continued her story. “Oh yes, it was a terrible time indeed. Like I said, this is not my story. If it were, I would give it a happy ending, but the legend of the Demon Dragon, well, I apologize, but the story doesn’t end. I wish I could tell you they fought the evil, and won, but I can’t. Humans and dragons alike went missing. At first one person went missing, then another, then several. Humans and dragons went missing during the middle of the day! The terror that spread throughout the colony was worse than the creature itself.”

“The Demon Dragon was a phantom. It seemed to come out of nowhere. Unlike a wild beast, this creature attacked from the shadows of darkness, quiet and stealthy, like a snake sneaking up on its prey. This made it impossible to fight face to face like any normal wild creature. As much as they tried to track it, lure it, trap it, people continued to go missing. In their minds, it was a veritable demon. Those that claim to have seen the creature described it as a shadow itself, surrounded in darkness with blood red markings and soulless glowing eyes. It had long legs and wings to creep through the trees and forests around the village. Some claim that with just one look, it could paralyze you, like a venomous serpent poisons its prey before it consumes it.”

“Many claim the demon dragon was a dragon that somehow harnessed evil powers, others claim it was a mutated flying creature not yet identified. Nobody figured out what it was. They only recorded that humans and dragons went missing in the lower colony.”

“When the leaders of Eknor came for their weekly visit to the lower colony, the streets were empty. Homes were empty. Nobody was around. Fearing the worst, they began a quick search. They found a group of humans and dragons gathered in the town hall, shaking with fear. Over the last several days, more than half of their village had gone missing. Overcome with the weight of fear, the last remaining colonists were just hoping to stay alive.”

“The Eknorians were shocked and confused. Their hearts hurt for the lower colony, but people just don’t vanish. They were a people of logic and reasoning. They believed that which we cannot understand can be explained. Eknor had not been attacked, so why was it only targeting the lower colony? They did their best to help calm the remaining colonists, and committed to help figure out what had happened. As the Eknorians searched for a reason, the mystery only grew deeper. The inhabitants were just gone. No signs of a fight, no evidence they left on their own free will. In some instances, residents still had food on their table.”

“Then, while examining one of the empty homes, the Eknorian leader’s young son made a comment. He said, ‘well, at least it looks like there’s more room for us Eknorians.’ It was an honest misunderstanding coming from a young warrior still in training. The leader was concerned with the direction Eknor was heading. When a society lives in isolation from others, it has an opportunity to focus, grow and become great. But inevitably, with greatness, comes the possibility to feel ‘greater than…’ another individual or group. She knew their little village of Eknor needed to change its course.”

“And this is my favorite part. Listen up, it’s important.” Brynhilda made sure the youths were paying attention.

“She brought her son in close and asked him how he would feel if one day he woke up and she was gone. He responded he would be very sad. She taught him that just because the event didn’t happen to them, they should still feel for others as if it did.”

“This is when the leader of Eknor stated one of their founding principles.” Brynhilda motioned to listen.

“Peace does not come from avoiding conflict or hiding from it. Peace comes from resolving conflict through understanding and empathy. True peace comes when we learn to see the world as a whole. Now I’m sure the young warrior felt sheepish for his unlearned comment, but his mother saw the opportunity to teach, and to lead with a principle that would become the future of Eknor.”

“The leaders of Eknor returned to the colonists and said they could not explain what was happening, but they knew people were not leaving by choice. If something was physically removing people from their village, then that something could physically be fought. The only option was to fight back. ‘But we are but simple farmers and ranchers. We are not warriors,’ the villagers pleaded.”

“The Eknorians responded, ‘We are, and we will commit to you this day, that we will stay with you until your colony can live in peace. Every resident of Eknor will join this colony, and together we will fight. Together we will take a stand, and your town will have the peace it deserves!’”

“The Eknorians did not hesitate. Their village moved in as quickly as they could, while the Eknorian leadership strategized and built defenses. All non-warrior villagers made a base camp within their main town hall, relying on their numbers to keep a safe watch over one another. They ate together, they planned their day together, and together they all slept in the great hall to stay safe. They were stronger together.”

“The Demon Dragon did not like that. It was like the mountains came alive with wild creatures attacking day and night. Even if the Demon Dragon didn’t attack every night, the villagers could hear it flying around, crawling through the trees surrounding their village like a shark circling its prey. But the Eknorians refused to fall into fear. They establish sleep cycles, so there was always a present guard on duty.”

“The Eknorians knew the Demon Dragon was waiting for its opportunity to attack. This terrorization continued for days and weeks on end. Their supplies were running short. Soon they would have no food, and it was getting too dangerous to venture outside of their fortifications to gather supplies.”

“One fateful night, after weeks of exhaustion, the guards were at a breaking point. They tried to support themselves with their spears or prop themselves up, supported by the walls they were leaning on. No matter what they did, they could not keep their eyes open. The Demon Dragon saw its chance.”

Swooping down into a side street, you could hear the growling and gurgling breath. You could hear the pounding of each step it took, its leathery wings and scales making a slight shuffle noise, and its slithering tail as it pushed it along. Closer and closer, it crawled to the town hall doors.

“REEAAAAACCCCXXXXSSSSSSSssssszzzzhhhhaahh,” The youth all jumped at Brynhilda’s loud screeching roar.

The creature let out the most hideous screeching roar and burst down the town hall doors!

“The guards leapt from their false slumber, ready to attack, knowing exactly where the creature was. Another team of warriors had replaced the sleeping townsfolk that night and charged from within the town hall to attack. A vicious battle erupted; the Eknorian warriors surrounded the Demon Dragon. It fought like a wild creature, as if an evil spirit possessed it. The Eknorians fought back through skilled and planned attacks. They were getting the advantage and the Demon Dragon knew it.”

“Heavily injured, the Demon Dragon made one last attack, throwing a group of Eknorians off-guard, and it leapt into the air with a limp in its flight and flew away. The Eknorians hurled their spears and shot their arrows, but the beast did not fall. Even though they heavily wounded the creature, it escaped, never to be seen again.”

“Many believed that it died from its wounds. Many believed it became an evil spirit that haunts the valley in the northern mountains. The Eknorians stayed with the colony to help build up defenses and support them in case the Demon Dragon returned. But it never did. The colony grew, and grew and grew, and that is the Eknor we live in today.”

“That was amazing!” Ella said. “the part where the guards faked being asleep, you got me, then the battle, and the…” the youth erupted into conversation about their favorite parts, and how they jumped when Brynhilda let out her screech. The youth loved every minute.

“Thanks grandma, everyone loves your stories!” Leila said.

Brynhilda reached over to give her granddaughter a hug with one of her arms. “Well, I love telling them. But they’re more than just stories.” Brynhilda sighed. “One day, when you can understand, I’ll show you their records.” Leila just looked at her grandmother with an awkward glace. Brynhilda gave a simple kiss on the forehead of her granddaughter and turned to Enok as he spoke up.

            “Is that where we get the legend of the Ruundyr?” Enok asked.                 
“No. It’s the same valley, but stories from the Valley of Myrr are based on other sightings and events that spawned their own lore of the Ruundyr. Most don’t know the legend of the Demon Dragon. I only know the story from my ancestors’ records. The villagers didn’t want to scare away new colonists and settlers. They recorded their stories and never talked about it again. It’s funny how our little Valley of Myrr has a way of conjuring all kinds of stories. Who knows what else it may have yet to share? But that reminds me, the moral of the story!”

            The youth reacted as if getting another school lesson.

            “No, no, this is an excellent lesson to learn! You are such beautiful and strong young women and men. You’re young, you have so much life to live with plenty of adventures ahead of you. Always remember you are Eknorians, just like the leaders that founded this village, and just like those Eknorians, promise me, whatever you do, whoever you become, choose to fight for peace, hope and happiness. The world needs more of it.”

            The youths all smiled. It was a noble goal, one with which they could all agree with.

“And whatever adventures you take, do not go venturing into that cursed Valley of Myrr. You don’t want to end up becoming another one of its ‘stories’,” Brynhilda said in a serious tone.


The youth responded to the shift in tone, listening to Brynhilda.


They held quiet for a moment, nodding their heads.


“Now I want to go into the Valley of Myrr!” Torben spoke up.


His friends all burst into laughter. “That’s such a Torben comment!” Enok said.


Torben replied, “C’mon, when someone tells you not to do something, you want to do that something!”

They all laughed again. Ella gave Torben a rare slap on the shoulders, showing she was all in on such an adventure.

The youth continued to laugh and chuckle, and once again continued their conversation about dreams of adventure, fame and fortune, courage, and glory. Brynhilda loved it. She loved their imagination, their sense of hope and wonder. She would do anything to keep them safe and their hopes alive.


